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Job Postings

Discover career opportunities with Jersey City Economic Development Corporation (JCEDC). Our Job Postings page features a variety of roles in economic development, community support, and administration. Join our team to make a meaningful impact on Jersey City's growth and vitality. Check back often for updates and take the next step in your career with JCEDC!

हमसे संपर्क करें

फ़ोन: (201) 284-9478

हमसे मिलें

सोमवार - शुक्रवार 9:00-5:00

398 एमएलके ड्राइव

जर्सी सिटी, एनजे 07306

हमें बताओ

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@2024 जर्सी सिटी आर्थिक विकास निगम जेसीईडीसी गॉट टेक सॉल्यूशंस, एलएलसी द्वारा डिजाइन और प्रबंधित

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